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As Doctor Liu was busy receiving patients, Doctor Luo Kalan at Guiyang No 6 Hospital began an online video consultation with Professor Sheng Qinhui, a renowned cardiovascular expert at Peking University First Hospital in Beijing, to discuss treatment for one of Luo's patients.

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Application requirements for such lending facilities were eased, new lending formats were introduced and the scope of qualified collateral widened.

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As Macao marks the 20th anniversary of its return next week, Ng said Macao "feels a lot more internationalized" after 1999, adding the people's standard of living has improved.


Apple posted third-quarter revenue of .3 billion, an increase of 17 percent year-on-year. Quarterly earnings were up 40 percent, with international sales accounting for 60 percent of revenue.


Around 25.9 percent of women undergraduates reported nonconsensual sexual contact by force or inability to consent, which was three times higher than for women graduates and professional students.


